Parish Priest Blog

24 Apr


What is a Synod?
In essence it means WALKING TOGETHER – disciples walking together accompanied by our Lord Jesus Christ.
• Lk 24:13-35
• Acts 1:12-16
• Acts 26-30

The church functions best when we become a listening, praying and discerning church walking together, so as to allow the Spirit to speak to us as a community of faith, as a community on pilgrimage with the Lord and witnessing to his presence in the world.

Our Archdiocesan Synod’s recommendation to practice LECTIO DIVINA in family life, in groups and in organizations at the parish and Archdiocesan levels can be an important door to living synodality within our community.


  1. PREPARATORY COMMISSION – composed of lay leaders, clergy and religious was charged with discussing the THEME of the Synod, discerning what the MAIN COMPONENTS would be and STRUCTURING a process by which the people of God could be broadly consulted.

    The commission and the archbishop determined the overarching theme

  2. The SECRETARIAT – composed of 3 people was charged with planning the mechanics of running the Synod and ensuring that it functioned well.

  3. Series of 12 LISTENING SESSIONS  throughout the Archdiocese
    1. A questionnaire was handed, answered and shared with others in small groups and then the assembly.
    2. About 10 parishioners from our parish attended in one of the listening sessions
    3. All in all, 12 Listening sessions around the archbishop, 1000 parishioners from different parishes attended.
    4. It was listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, listening to one another.
      Unlike a town hall meeting – there were no personal opinions & agenda.
      The archbishop was silently listening throughout the whole session.

  4. From the SESSIONS, 9 GENERAL AREAS of Pastoral concern were determined. Each of them were given to 9 FOCUS commissions – composed of laity, clergy & religious. White papers were produced by each commission. These were publicly distributed around the Archdiocese for further feedback and modifications – producing the revised white papers.
  5. FIVE GENERAL SESSIONS were held in Winnipeg – attended by special delegates from each of our 88 parishes, communities. A number of clergy and religious were appointed along with members from various organizations and movements as well as from the Catholic schools. 

❖ 42 formal proposals were suggested to the archbishop for his approval.

SYNOD THEME: Disciples: Established, Anointed and Sent in Christ.


  1. Forming the baptized as Missionary Disciples
    • its 3 PRIORITIES:
      1. Ongoing training for clergy and lay leaders to equip them to provide formation for the people they serve
      2. Formation of the laity in missionary discipleship
      3. Initiatives to proclaim the gospel message and invite all to follow Jesus

  2. Passing on the faith to the next generation and to others
    • its 3 PRIORITIES:
      1. Support the vocation of marriage and family as a domestic church
      2. Create welcoming, listening and merciful parishes
      3. Youth involvement in parish life & leadership
  3. Outreach to others especially those in need and those on the peripheries
    • its 3 PRIORITIES:
      1. Create welcoming, listening parish communities
      2. Assist and advocate for the most vulnerable
      3. Discern social & environmental issues

OUR PARISH TASK: to respond to at least one of the priorities of each overarching theme and implement a parish pastoral plan


  1. letter B
    • starting at the Family
    • the need for catechizing on the family as a True Domestic Church.
    • Catechism for the Sacraments: marriage preparation, baptism preparation
    • Encouragement and systematic assistance to couples & families so that they live out their vocation and commitment.
  2. letter A 
    • support the vocation of marriage and family as domestic church.
    • Parish involvement
    • Youth involvement
  3. letter C
    • Discern social and environmental issues.
    • Social Justice
    • Relationship between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous
    • Our common Home: The Earth
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