Parish Priest Blog

05 Jan
Week Of Prayer For Christian Unity

Week Of Prayer For Christian Unity

All are welcome to participate with church leaders in the
Sunday, January 22, 2023 7:30 pm
3390 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg

The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be celebrated around the world from January 18 - 25, 2023. The theme and resources for 2023 have been prepared by a group of Christians convened by the Minnesota Council of Churches in the USA. In the context of praying together for Christian unity, the 2023 theme, “Do good; seek justice” (Isaiah 1:17), invites us to reflect on what unites us and to commit ourselves to confront oppression and division amongst humanity. God expects us as Christians to unite in a shared responsibility for equity for all God’s children as we bring the Good News of God’s love in Christ to a broken world in need of healing. In Winnipeg the 2023 Week of Prayer will be marked by a City-wide Ecumenical Worship Service at 7:30 pm on Sunday, January 22, 2023 at Saint John XXIII Roman Catholic Church. All are cordially invited to participate in this celebration with Archbishop Richard Gagnon and other church leaders and to pray in a special way throughout the entire week of prayer.