General Church Information

15 Mar
Synod Pastoral Plan

Synod Pastoral Plan

The Archdiocesan Synod (from 2016-up to now) is the people of God, laity and the ordained, walking together with the Holy Spirit.

  1. What is Synod? It means “walking together.”
  2. Synod Process:
    1. 12 Listening Sessions throughout the Archdiocese over 1000 people participated in person
    2. 9 General areas of pastoral concern given to Focus Commissions (composed of laity, clergy and religious) - produced white papers
    3. The white papers were publicly distributed around the Archdiocese
      • during the years 2017 – 2018
        • 5 general sessions were held in Winnipeg at St. John XXIII Parish
        • 880 parish communities were represented by official delegates
  3. Synod challenge: the 3 overarching themes
    1. Forming the baptized as Missionary disciples
    2. Passing on the faith to the next generation and to others
    3. Reaching out to others especially those in need and those on the peripheries
      ❖ Each theme has 3 priorities around which pastoral planning begins.
  4. Synod Implementation Action Plan:
    1. Parishes need to respond to at least one of the SYNOD PRIORITIES for each of the overarching themes by developing and implementing a parish pastoral plan.
    2. Parishes will establish their own Synod-like consultations among parishioners
  1. Forming the Baptized as Missionary Disciples
    2) formation of the laity in Missionary Discipleship
  2. Passing on the faith to the next generation and to others
    1) support the vocation of marriage and family as a domestic church
  3. Outreach to others especially those in need and those on the peripheries.
    3) Discern social and environmental issues

  • The Pastor and Synod delegates prayerfully selected these pressing areas of pastoral concern and formulated questions for the Parish Listening Session held on May 11, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the parish hall.
  • The responses shared were collated by the pastor and the Synod delegates
  • The newly formed Parish Pastoral Council following the Synod revised norms, carefully and prayerfully through several meetings made the following Parish Pastoral Plan:
  1. Family
    - marriage preparation course to address the focuses: communication, commitment, growing in relationship, service to each other, role of family as a domestic church, sacrament.
    ➢ Present format: (one-on-one) one couple giving the course to one couple-to-be
    - Need for more couples
    - Need for Pastor to be more involved (sacrament)
    - Introduce prayer partners
    ❖ many couples have not received the Sacrament of Marriage because of financial reasons.
    - Introduce Mass Weddings
    ❖ Baptism Preparation Course – the aspect of sacrament to be emphasized.
    - Pastor to be more involved
    - Home visits by Pastor and elders
    - ADULT CATECHISM (to be introduced.)
    - Marriage counselling offered by the Pastor needs to be publicized
    - Wedding Anniversaries to involve a short spiritual retreat, confession, and blessing within mass/renewal of vows.

  2. Parish Life
    ➢ Much of those already mentioned under Family are also under Parish Life
    ➢ New parishioners have to feel at home and welcome before they get involved
    - SIMPLE ACTIVITIES: snacks after mass, spring cleaning, table fellowship, etc.
    - Charismatic groups – healing Mass to be introduced

  3. Social Justice
    ➢ In the family, educate family members on the needs of other people, forfeit some material items or practice for the sake of the needy
    - Incorporate in Catechism Program
    - Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the parish to be more publicized & strengthened
    - Parish trying to reach the goal of giving 10% of its Sunday collection to the poor has to continue

  4. Indigenous & Non-Indigenous Relationship
    - Blanket exercises were really helpful & have to continue
    - Dialogue (sharing of History) between St. Kateri Tekakwitha and St. John Cantius Churches have to continue
    -- Different Parish Organizations/Committees need to take the exercise
    - Parents of children to be baptized and who already have taken the Pre-Baptism course need to take the blanket exercise

  5. Our Planet - Our Home
    ➢ Education to recycle, re-use, replace & reduce
    - Recycling in the church, parish office, parish hall, catechism rooms to be more strictly enforced
    - Hall renters must follow recycling policies
    - Continuous reminders
    - Christmas-Lantern-Making Contest: Using recyclable materials


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